Screening myself for Canadian values

The Hon. Dr. K. Kellie Leitch, P.C., O.Ont., M.D., M.B.A., F.R.C.S.(C)
House of Commons
Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0A6


March 07, 2016


Screening immigrants for Canadian values


The greatest regret of my life is that, as an immigrant already here in Canada, I will not be able to prove myself worthy of being a Canadian by being subjected to the screening process proposed by you to ensure that I uphold and adhere to Canadian values. Thus, I have decided to screen myself on my own initiative, and, using as a benchmark values you, a paragon of Canadianness, have demonstrated throughout your long and illustrious political career.


Question Kellie Leitch Rohana Rezel
Do you belong to an organization that has criminally rigged every election it has taken part in? YES1 NO
Have you defended the temporary foreign worker program even as Canadians were being thrown out of work? YES2 NO
Have you ever encouraged neighbours to spy on and denounce each other to the government? YES3 NO


Given my abject failure on the first three Canadian values that you hold dear, I shall test myself no further. I sincerely apologize for deciding to come to Canada without understanding what it means to be a Canadian.


I will go and get myself deported now.


Yours faithfully,


Rohana Rezel




  1. 2006 “In-and-out” scandal

2008 Del Mastro scandal

2011 Robofraud Scandal

2015 Bal Gosal vandalism scandal


  1. As RBC was replacing Canadian workers with Temporary Foreign Workers, Kellie Leitch defended the TFW program

  1. Conservatives pledge funds, tip line to combat ‘barbaric cultural practices’