Re-open online sign up for mass rezoning public hearing immediately

Update: The City Clerk reopened online sign ups following my complaint.

Katrina Leckovic,
City Clerk,
City of Vancouver
By email at: [email protected]


Dear Madam,

I’m disturbed to hear from citizens who were planning on speaking at the mass rezoning public hearing that you’ve closed online sign ups for the hearing last night, despite having advertised that online sign up would be open till 2PM today. This kind of action to stop citizens from exercising their right to be heard has no place in a democratic society.

It was clear from the beginning that the lame duck Vision Vancouver mayor and councillors were determined to rush this through council and ram these far reaching changes down citizens throats. Starting the public hearing at 3PM, when most people are at work, is just one way to make this happen. But your decision to close online sign ups last night after having told citizens that they had till 2PM today to sign up is plain wrong.

I demand that you reopen the online sign ups immediately and forthwith, and keep sign ups open till 2PM today. Please let me know when you have opened the hearings so that I communicate the news to the hundreds of citizens who’ve prevented from signing up to speak at the event.

Thank you,
Rohana Rezel